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067 017 308 Marija

068 059 336 Ivan

068 141 315 Milica

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Contact us by email. You will receive a quick and adequate answer. Schedule your pet sitting!

Daj Šapu / Fejsbuk

 Daj Šapu / Instagram

Visit our official FB or Instagram page. Schedule your pet sitting! We are here for you 24/7!

Pavla Mijovića 57A,
Donja Gorica, Podgorica

Visit our guesthouse. From the first ✋, make sure of the conditions that await your pet. Schedule a babysitter!

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Pansion za kućne ljubimce Daj Šapu

"If you feed a hungry dog, it won't bite you. That is the fundamental difference between a dog and a human.”
Mark Twain

"History knows many more loyal dogs than friends."
Alexander Pope

 "A dog has all the qualities of a man, but none of his flaws."
Vilim Svečnjak

"A cat sees no reason to submit to another animal, even if it stands on two legs."
Sara Thompson


Pavla Mijovića 57,
Donja Gorica
81000 Podgorica


